
Handlair Prefilters are available in several configurations.They are completely washable, with pressure drop at rated flow less than 2.5mm WG and effciency greater than 90% down to 10 micron when tested as per relevant norms. Handlair has adopted total quality management where everyone involved to produce world class products and undertake design and development to meet customer's specific requirements.
- Synthetic non woven media-sandwitched in tough synthetic netting.
- Media supported by aluminium expanded metal on one side and epoxy sealing.
- Washable with water, soap or solvent.
- Micron rating 5 to 25 micron.
- Media resistant to moisture, fungi, bacteria & frost.
- Recommended as prefilter to fine/Hepa/filter.
- Can be provided with G.I/aluminium/SS frame work.
- Available in rod type/Pleated type
- Ventilation (HVAC)
- Central air conditioning
- Ventilation (HVAC)
- Central air conditioning
- Pharmaceutical
- Electronic Industry
- Chemical process industry
- Nuclear Power plants
- Gas turbine
- Modern Paint shop
- Textile Mills
- Cement plants

HANDLAIR oil bath filter units have been developed for installing with ventilation plants, where the dust concentration in the surrounding air is comparatively heavier. It is very ideal for ventilation systems in coal mines, steel plants, cement plants, foundries and similar industries. These filters are available in different sizes, depending on the capacity.
This can be either direct or indirect driven. Each direct drive unit can be coupled with two indirect driven units, depending of the size.
In this filters, the dust is retained by adhesive action, when the dust laden air passes through the filter mat. The mat is cleaned and re oiled as it passes intermittently through the oil bath. Drops of oil that may be carried through are trapped by the oil drop eliminator.